Working together.

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A message from Tom:

Hello Friends & Burbank Community Members,

As most of you already know, I am running for Burbank Unified School District's Board of Education in Trustee Area #1! If you live in my area (Red on the map below), you are in Trustee Area #1 and I need your vote either by mail or in-person on Election Day this November!

Even if you're not in my area, I'd still love your support in this endeavor so that I can get elected to work with others on behalf of ALL students. I need everyone's help to raise funds to spread word about this upcoming election and my campaign. I would appreciate it if you would consider donating to my campaign.

We can presently accept checks made payable to "Tom Crowther For Burbank Schools" with "BOE, 2024" on the memo line. California State Law also requires donor information before checks can be deposited. Donors must fill out my attached short form at the time of making a donation before I can accept the funds. It takes less than two minutes to complete this form.

Donations can be mailed to 4311 West Jacaranda Avenue, Burbank, CA 91505

If you are unable to donate at this time, you can still help me by simply forwarding this message on to someone else who you believe might be able to contribute. Any amount is appreciated and helps me spread the word that I am running for the Board.

I have a difficult time saying I am "campaigning." I'm not a politician. I am an educator and school leader. My only strategy thus far has been speaking to individuals and letting them know how important this Board election is. I'm open and honest about the issues as I see them.If you have questions, please feel free to reach out. Let's talk about solutions!

Thank you for your time and attention to the above, and for your support.

In Service,

Dr. Tom Crowther
School Board Candidate
Burbank Unified Schools Trustee Area #1

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